
The best Investments: Elite designer suggestions

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Top Canadian designers, including James Davie, Julie Charbonneau and Fenwick Bonnell of Powell & Bonnell, share glamorous decorating ideas worth investing in for big impact. From sleek living room furniture to dramatic wall treatments to stylish hardware, these elements are sure to stand the test of time. Plus, view our video with H&H’s Lynda Reeves and Beth Hitchcock as they reveal much more wow-factor design investments.

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“The polished nickel or antique brass on a framed shower enclosure — which costs about 10 times the price of a frameless glass shower — adds sparkle to a bathroom. It’s like a jewel box,” says Toronto-based designer James Davie. “Single-slab marble floors also offer one of the most glamorous feelings underfoot.” In James’ bathroom, purple veining in the Breccia Capraia marble creates a sense of movement on the floor, while burgundy hand-glazed tiles offer a moody backdrop for a riveted freestanding tub.

Photographer: Angus Fergusson

Source: house & home January 2015

Designer: James M. Davie design Inc.

“The nightstands in my bedroom are made from several pieces. I started with the bronze architectural grills, found at a salvage shop in Harlem, N.Y., on the morning of a wedding. I brought them to the wedding, then hauled them back to Toronto after lugging them all over Manhattan,” says James Davie. The worn look of the metal grates pairs well with his principal bedroom’s rich and enveloping palette. Take his cue and repurpose antiques and found objects to create your own one-of-a-kind furniture.

Photographer: Angus Fergusson

Source: house & home January 2015

Designer: James M. Davie design Inc.

“Spend your money where it shows, on the things you touch every day,” says James Davie. “I recommend elevating doors with hardware from E.R. Butler or Hamilton Sinkler, for instance.” James’ guest restroom illustrates this attention to detail, with deep, plaster crown mouldings, geometric floor tile, a tall lacquered burgundy door and articulated fixtures. “Treat every surface with extra embellishments,” he adds.

Photographer: Alex Lukey

Source: house & home March 2015

Designer: James M. Davie design Inc.

“High-end sculptures and antiques layer soul into a space,” says Fenwick Bonnell of Powell & Bonnell. “In this client’s living room, we showcased a collection of Jeff Goodman glass pieces on the fireplace.” A mainly neutral palette makes the art pop.

Photographer: Margaret Mulligan

Designer: Powell & Bonnell

“The solid-wood rustic panelling in this office, which was rather knotty, was refinished in a stain that made it look like it had been coated in tar,” discusses Fenwick Bonnell of Powell & Bonnell. “Some of the millwork flanking the new black marble fireplace surround was then removed and replaced with vermilion-lacquered display shelves. The carpet unites the colour scheme and lifts the mood.” The one-of-a-kind solid-brass desk adds a glamorous touch.

Photographer: Margaret Mulligan

Designer: Powell & Bonnell

“Some of the most glamorous items we’ve purchased for a project include a pair of customized Hervé Van der Straeten consoles to set the tone of a foyer, along with hand-painted silk wallpaper,” says Julie Charbonneau of Julie Charbonneau Design. “CreştinScaunele Liaigre sunt, de asemenea, întotdeauna piese pe care le recomand. Acestea sunt piese de declarații care duc camera la un alt nivel de sofisticare. ”

Lucrările substanțiale de fabricare oferă această sală de mese de Julie Charbonneau Design un simț al istoriei. „Lucrări de moară personalizate, specii de lemn exotice, piatră de plăci și lumini încastrate pătrate, de la Kreon, ele ridică o cameră”, spune Julie. „Lucrarea de artă transformă și un spațiu. Sper că într -o zi unul dintre proiectele mele poate include o oglindă de la artistul Anish Kapoor. ”

Designer: Julie Charbonneau

Când redactorul șef al H&H, Beth Hitchcock, își renova bucătăria, a dezbătut folosind aceste plăci Walker Zanger pictate manual. „Un zid focar al plăcilor decorative este un angajament substanțial – credeți -mă, știu”, spune ea. „Dar este singurul lucru pe care oamenii îl amintesc mulți despre casa mea.”

Fotograf: Michael Graydon

Sursa: House & Home februarie 2012

Designer: Stacy Begg

„Am ales cada de calcar vulcanică iOS de Victoria + Albert pentru toaleta mea, deoarece dimensiunea și forma ovală erau perfect la scară cu spațiul”, spune Lynda Reeves de la H&H. „Aș putea centra cada sub fereastră și încă să las loc pentru artă. De asemenea, a avut cel mai puțin strălucitor finisaj pe care l -am putut găsi. Liniile de vedere într -o toaletă sunt critice, iar acum priveliștea lungă din dormitorul nostru până la cadă este excelentă! ”

Fotograf: Alex Lukey

Sursa: House & Home aprilie 2017

Designer: Lynda Reeves

„Pentru vanitatea noastră de toaletă, mi -am dorit ceva aerisit și frumos”, spune Lynda Reeves. „Am avut baza făcută la propriul meu design, inclusiv sertarele superficiale care ocolesc chiuvetele și sunt vitale pentru lucrurile de zi cu zi, cum ar fi pasta de dinți.” Luați în considerare și alte înfrumusețări. „Aceste două aparate Aerin Lauder acordă un hit incredibil de negru și aur pe peretele vanității, în timp ce oglinzile hardware de restaurare într-un finisaj de bronz sunt un pod bun cu robinetele Kohler din alază mat.”

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Fotograf: Alex Lukey

Sursa: House & Home aprilie 2017

Designer: Lynda Reeves

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